MySQL en Design and development of a blockchain-based crypto currency platform <span>Design and development of a blockchain-based crypto currency platform</span> <span><span lang="" about="/user/1" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">admin</span></span> <span>Tue, 01/10/2023 - 22:03</span> <div>Design and development of a blockchain-based crypto currency platform with sophisticated AML/KYC mechanism &amp; an advanced translation interface</div> <div> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/2023-02/DOM.png?itok=mq1ZL6hz" width="480" height="305" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" /> </div> <div>Fintech</div> <div>Netherlands, UK, Germany</div> <div> <div>Deep blockchain integration</div> <div>Complex banking integration</div> <div>Automated AML/KYC verification</div> <div>Backend development</div> <div>Frontend development</div> <div>Product strategy</div> <div>UI/UX development</div> </div> <div> <div>Drupal 8</div> <div>Sum&amp;Sum KYC</div> <div>BUNQ Integration</div> <div>ARDOR Blockchain</div> <div>Docker</div> <div>Digital Ocean Droplets</div> <div>Browserstack</div> <div>Bitbucket</div> </div> <div><p>We got introduced to this project right from the <strong>product innovation stage</strong>, when the client team was still <strong>brainstorming and finalizing the product concepts</strong> based on customer needs, concept testing, and market research. We started with a <strong>single page information website </strong>development<strong>,</strong> and gradually came on board as <strong>technical consultant team </strong>for the product. We were selected after several rounds of meetings, and after the client was convinced that we can not only execute the initial requirement, which was a simple task, but <strong>we shall be able to provide an in-depth technical consultation</strong> and can act as a <strong>technical expert during the upcoming complex development phases</strong>. And indeed, we perfectly fulfilled the expectation. Over next 2 years, we remained a steady technical partner, and oversaw the project from a simple one page site, to a fully funded growing startup in the blockchain space. </p></div> <div><p>The client represents a group of real estate professionals and blockchain enthusiasts with multiple years of experience in real estate financing, real estate fund structuring and project development. The company was founded in 2016 in Netherlands, and they expanded from a 2 member team to a 36 member team in about 5 years. They have raised several rounds of funding and continue to scale up their business and have since then expanded to other geographies like US, UK, Germany, Australia and New Zealand.</p></div> <div><p>The project is being developed as a <strong>advanced blockchain-based crypto currency platform</strong>. As the assets are created on the blockchain, they will of course be 100% transparent and liquid. The childchain <strong>decentralises the trade of assets</strong> and places rental agreements, purchase agreements, property management tasks and more on the blockchain. Through this website, a user can create his/her account and buy tokens and enter in to the world of Crypto currency market. The user can also <strong>earn referrals by introducing others </strong>to this platform, by providing them with his/her unique referral link. Moreover, product is <strong>underwritten by a portfolio of property assets</strong> generating an income and ensuring the future development and maintenance of the platform.</p></div> <div><h3>Phase I</h3> <p><strong>The purpose of this phase was to get us a basic platform.The main site was to be designed and then followed by a dashboard. Following that basic registration and AML / KYC procedures needed to be set up.</strong></p> <p><strong>Design of The Front-end Site and The Back-end Platform</strong></p> <p>The main challenge was to design an extremely impressive landing page. The client was concerned because they needed to put in and convey a lot of information, but they didn't want to make the design boring. He wanted to make it extremely appealing and trendy, while not losing out on the opportunity to display the necessary information. Our designing team did an excellent job on this, and after a lot of deliberation, discussion, and going back and forth, finally, we came up with a design that was appealing, interactive, and informative. Next began the dashboard design. This needed to be simple, easy flowing, and readable without too flashy elements and complications. Our designing team worked tirelessly on this and was able to come up with a great layout. This would be modified time and again in the coming days, as more and more sections would be built.</p> <p><strong>User Registration &amp; Initial Steps</strong></p> <p>The main target at this point was to get people to start registering as soon as possible. We needed to have 2 registration types, company, and individual. Each of them will have a separate set of fields to fill out later on. As soon as users register, a verification link would be sent over through email. Once confirmed, they would log in and set a password. As soon as the password is set, they would be asked to do mobile verification (this would be changed later on in favor of 2FA). This was a mandatory step and users would not be allowed to navigate elsewhere without completing this. SMS code would be sent to their mobile number and the user needed to add the code and validate it. Once done, users would be redirected to their dashboard and asked to be AML/KYC.</p> <p><strong>Support Ticketing System</strong></p> <p>The next very important step was to make users submit their AML / KYC. But before that, we needed an in-depth support ticketing system, since the AML/ KYC submission and approval would be tied to this. We built this system from the ground up and implemented every single thing that was needed as per plan for this AML / KYC procedure, as well as for its general functioning. This included the admin tools like statistics on the ticket movement and an in-depth status system for easy manipulation of the submitted tickets. Once the registration was live, the client foresaw that this will be very crucial for his data team and we needed to make this absolutely flawless.</p> <p><strong>AML / KYC Procedure</strong></p> <p>Finally, it’s the last main bit for Phase I - AML / KYC Procedure. First of all, this would have 3 stages - Clearance Level I, II, and III. Each has an extensive number of fields. The users would submit for one Clearance Level and then the admin would be able to review, approve, reject or request a change, based on what they have submitted. If any change was requested, then users would be notified and they would have to re-submit the documentation. Once approved of one clearance level, users can apply for the next clearance and so on. This entire process was tied to the support ticketing system and the entire system was a pain to build and test. But we were really amazed how good it turned out to be, once this was all completed, and people started to use it.</p> <h3> </h3> <h3>Phase II</h3> <p><strong>The purpose of this phase was to build ourselves some very necessary tools before actually starting to implement ITO and Pre ITO features which were next in line. The three main extensive requirements for this were an in-depth translation system, a solid notification system, and an extensive referral system.</strong></p> <p><strong>Translation Mechanism Enhancement</strong></p> <p>With registrations flowing in from all over the world, thanks to the client's ambitious marketing efforts, we soon had users from almost 120 countries. With this, came the need to be able to translate the site into all possible languages. And this was not one man's job. The client wanted to appoint translators from various countries who would translate everything in the site to that language - website content, document links like pitch deck and white paper, email contents, etc. Going forward this needs to be extended to other things that are built like a newsletter, order form, etc. We looked at Drupal's core translation system. Though it was an excellent base, it was nothing compared to what was needed in order to achieve this. We understood that we need to come up with an extremely creative and robust solution by using what was available and then building the remaining on top of it. After months of work, we did it, and it was really a proud moment for the entire team. We have been using that system everywhere for the last 8 months and it's functioning perfectly. With almost 110 translators using the system every day, it is capable of translating each new content into hundreds of different languages.</p> <p><strong>Newsletter &amp; Notification System</strong></p> <p>Next in the line was the development of an in-depth notification and newsletter system. The client wanted to build this system from the grounds up in order to be able to send newsletter notifications to all its registered users, which by now, in just a span of a few months has grown to over 40,000. He wanted to send almost 2 batches of newsletters daily which means almost 80,000 emails going out. He wanted to also achieve a send-out rate of 20,000 per hour. After due research, we agreed to use the Amazon SES service as SMTP. We were already using AWS for hosting and this served as a perfect fit. We did extensive coding for the entire newsletter system ensuring seamless use by the client's data team. We also had to make sure that they could create newsletters and easily choose through the interface the target recipient groups based on the wizard and then send the newsletter out. We used the concept of a multi concurrency queue in this case and used it as a Drush command. Another mission well accomplished!</p> <p><strong>Referral Programme</strong></p> <p>The next and last bit, before we could move ahead with the ITO and pre ITO sale set up was the implementation of an in-depth referral program. Even though the client's marketing campaigns have been super successful, he really wanted to push the pedal and wanted to spread out as much as possible. One great way of doing this was an extensive referral program. The referral program would work by giving a unique referral link to potential users and once other users registered using that link, certain tokens would be awarded as a referral bonus. Once the blockchain would go live, users would be able to withdraw these tokens. The referral program though looks simple outwardly. However, behind the scene, we coded two other major aspects of it. One was an in-depth statistics report which would show which referrer referred how many users and then charts showing per country and per timeframe divisions, so that client's backend team would be able to track the progress and take various corrective measures. And last but not the least, we needed to devise an in-depth mechanism of withdrawal mechanism for the amount that users got. We did solid foundation work for this but postponed it for later as we realized this would be used more only after Pre ITO and ITO sales.</p> <h3> </h3> <h3>Phase III</h3> <p><strong>Pre ITO and ITO sales mechanisms needed to be coded, so users could actually purchase tokens.</strong></p> <p><strong>Asset Creation and Sub-account Creation</strong></p> <p>We detailed out the entire flow and then started with the asset creation steps. Though initially, only asset needed to be created, but for later, this would be used by others to create their own assets. Hence it was important to get this foundation right. We also needed to set up the approval process of this. Finally through the implemented mechanism we created. With asset creation, we needed to create concept for sub accounts. So in a nutshell, the total coin offering would be broken down into sub accounts, like Pre ITO, ITO etc and then a price would be attached to it. Some sub accounts were created which was not sellable, and only admin could transfer tokes from and to that sub account. These were all accompanied by detailed logs , support tickets and email integration.</p> <p><strong>Order Forms</strong></p> <p>The next step was to set up order forms where users could purchase the tokens. This needed an in depth currency conversion mechanism we we implemented a 3rd party API for this. This also needed a dynamic price switcher, as the sell was on, from pre ITO to ITO Phase I to ITO Phase II and so on, the prices of the tokens would change and the pay out needed to be calculated dynamically. This involved huge amount of complexity and an extensive handling of cub cases that branched out as we were going forward with the flow. Finally, after quite a few months of extensive effort all were sotted, and we finally made Pre ITO live, which was a huge success. Son ITO phases were launched and they were success as well.</p> <p> </p> <h3>Phase IV (ongoing)</h3> <p>This is the most important phase. Now that people have purchased tokens and all going well, we are in the process of <strong>connecting the system to the blockchain</strong>. The client entered into an agreement with <strong>ARDOR and we would be implementing the ARDOR API</strong>. Starting from <strong>waller creation to node handlers</strong> all will he handled through the API. Extensive work is in progress regarding this, and we are hopeful in coming days this will be released out to public.</p></div> <div><p>We have overseen the project right from its inception days when this was just a pen and paper concept. And today, the portal has almost 85,000 users and has sold exceptionally well, for its <strong>pre-ITO phases and ongoing ITO phases</strong>. Needless to say, this has been a very strong bond with the client and their team and we are still growing strong. Just like any big task, we have had our share of challenges, but together, with <strong>hard work, dedication, talent, and clear communication</strong>, we have kept moving forward. We continue to develop the upcoming phases and maintain the portal.</p></div> <div><p>The project was concluded with staggering success. As of now, we shall be in charge of maintaining the site. We are already developing the next big plan for this project, which is an extensive fundraising &amp; investing platform. This crowdfunding platform will be used to raise funds for property investment and all the complex will be handled on the platform. The development roadmap is approximately 2 years but will include phased releases.</p></div> <div><a href="/node/1878" hreflang="en">Maxcrowdfund Testimonial</a></div> <div> <img src="/sites/default/files/2023-02/DOM_0.png" width="1540" height="980" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" /> </div> <div><p>From the initial days of the project, the client relied deeply on our <strong>knowledge of the blockchain and technical competence</strong> in general, and we participated in the product conceptualization and creation of an effective development roadmap. We oversaw this project from a <strong>simple one page information website</strong>, to an <strong>advance portal with deep blockchain integration</strong>. Our technical expertise, in-depth blockchain knowledge and rational planning resulted in <strong>accelerated user registration</strong>, <strong>smooth backend operation</strong> &amp; <strong>effective translation interface</strong> for global market penetration.</p></div> <div>2.5 years, ongoing</div> <div><a href="/node/1906" hreflang="en">Maxcrowdfund Testimonial II</a></div> <div><p>This project was not a simple <strong>one-dimensional </strong>project. It had multiple layers and staged rollout plans. The initial goal of the project was to set up a basic platform for people to register and put in all their details, complete and submit KYC, and then be able to browse some data like properties, charities, etc. They also get access to the dashboard where they show them the key matrices. At this<strong> point, the client planned to start in-depth</strong> and extensive advertising campaigns reaching out to as many users as possible across the globe and get them on board. For this, they needed an email newsletter campaign builder, capable of sending 20,000 emails per day, based on customized templates and selecting recipients based on certain criteria. Also, they needed an extensive translation system, which was simply not possible with Drupal's native translation interface, though it definitely was a good base. Next in line was an <strong>in-depth referral system</strong>. The client wanted to further reach out and lure users to refer others who would then join the platform using the referral. </p> <p>Referral benefits were provided in the form of tokens that users were able to <strong>withdraw when the currency went live</strong>. While these things were happening and the user registering and referral program was becoming more and more successful day by day, we started to work on the main aspect of the site - the token order sell. The Pre ITO and ITO phases were upcoming and we allocated a section of the team to dedicatedly work on these aspects. We devised a well-thought-out sell procedure based on extremely complicated conditions and restrictions. Pre ITO arrived and ITO arrived, both a huge hit. Next up, was the <strong>blockchain integration which is at present underway</strong>. We are discussing the architecture and integrating the ARDOR API for this and making steady progress day by day. In addition, there is constant monitoring work going on behind the scene and a section of our team is steadily working on making small fixes and maintenance polish-ups, ensuring the site remains perfect and performant.</p></div> <div> <div> <div class="paragraph paragraph--type--outcome-highlights paragraph--view-mode--default"> <div> <div>Heading</div> <div>85,000 registered users</div> </div> <div> <div>Outcome</div> <div><p>In a very short time, the number of registered users reached it's peak, and that to with a very less marketing budget allocation.</p></div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="paragraph paragraph--type--outcome-highlights paragraph--view-mode--default"> <div> <div>Heading</div> <div>ITO phases subscribed in days</div> </div> <div> <div>Outcome</div> <div><p>The pre-ITO and ITO phases were subscribed in days, much faster than the planned stipulated timeline for each subscription phase.</p></div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="paragraph paragraph--type--outcome-highlights paragraph--view-mode--default"> <div> <div>Heading</div> <div>High Customer Engagement</div> </div> <div> <div>Outcome</div> <div><p>Overall, the portal has shown high customer engagement and positive feedbacks from the users aollected through surveys and feedbacks.</p></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div>API &amp; Microservices</div> <div>Cloud &amp; DevOps</div> <div>Continuous Monitoring</div> <div>Enterprise Drupal Development</div> <div>Incident Management</div> <div>Minor Enhancements &amp; Bug Fixes</div> <div>MVP Development</div> <div>Performance Optimization</div> <div>Product Design Strategy</div> <div>Product Scaling</div> <div>Product-Market Fit</div> <div>Support &amp; Maintenance</div> <div>Team Augmentation</div> <div>UI Design &amp; Implementation</div> <div>UX Consulting &amp; Audit</div> <div>Web Development</div> </div> <div> <div>Apache SOLR</div> <div>Browserstack</div> <div>CSS</div> <div>Docker</div> <div>Drupal 9</div> <div>GIT</div> <div>Headless Drupal</div> <div>HTML</div> <div>JIRA</div> <div>JMeter</div> <div>jQuery</div> <div>Kubernetes</div> <div>MySQL</div> <div>Postman</div> <div>Selenium</div> <div>Vue.js</div> </div> <div> <div>Fintech &amp; BFSI</div> </div> <div> <img src="/sites/default/files/2023-02/MCL.png" width="1705" height="421" alt="MCL" typeof="foaf:Image" /> </div> <div> <img src="/sites/default/files/2023-02/MicrosoftTeams-image%20%289%29.png" width="1540" height="980" alt="mptt" typeof="foaf:Image" /> </div> <div>1</div> Tue, 10 Jan 2023 22:03:37 +0000 admin 1877 at Implementation of an online portal for shipment & transportation company <span>Implementation of an online portal for shipment &amp; transportation company</span> <span><span lang="" about="/user/1" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">admin</span></span> <span>Tue, 01/10/2023 - 21:57</span> <div>Implementation of an online portal for shipment &amp; transportation company for end-to-end job management and advanced Quickbooks integration</div> <div> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/2023-02/WT.png?itok=j0__MC-n" width="480" height="305" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" /> </div> <div>Logistics &amp; Transportation</div> <div>Australia, New Zealand</div> <div> <div>Complete end-to-end shipment order management and fulfilment mechanism implementation</div> <div>Intricate price calculation based on weight and size of shipment</div> <div>Barcode scanning mechanism for orders</div> <div>Solutions design</div> <div>Backend development</div> <div>Frontend development</div> </div> <div> <div>Drupal 8</div> <div>Quickbooks integration</div> <div>Amazon AWS</div> <div>Apache SOLR</div> <div>Browserstack</div> </div> <div><p>We were referred to this client by one of our past clients, who had an extremely positive experience with us. But nevertheless, he did a detailed review of our past case studies and technical capabilities. A series of meetings were set up, and finally we were able to convince him and his partners to engage with us.</p></div> <div><p>Wards Transportation is a shipment &amp; transportation management company based in Queensland, Australia. The company was founded in 2003 and since then has been successfully serving freight and transportation management systems across a diverse range of industries.</p></div> <div><p>At the point the client contacted us, their main business was handled offline through a very <strong>primitive booking system</strong>. This was causing huge issues to their expansion plan. They came to us with a vision to create a full-blown back office management system for their business. This includes the creation of <strong>shipment (called jobs), manifests, connotes, scanning </strong>of barcodes feature, integration with QuickBooks API, and a host of other features. A systematic transition from one phase to another needed to be achieved which helps in <strong>smooth transit </strong>between different branches along with the detailed record-keeping and job sheet creations through barcode scanning feature which we implemented.</p></div> <div> <div>20 years of operation</div> <div>2000+ customers served</div> <div>4 fulfillment locations</div> </div> <div><p>The main goal of the project was to build a complete back-office management system for the client's growing transportation and shipment business. This would need to accommodate literally everything they do in their day-to-day business, which till that time would happen in pen and paper mode. They wanted to convert this to web-based handling which they could then use in their various branches and checkpoints. The feature set needed was job creation, price calculation based on set pricing and weight rules, branch to branch transition, connote and manifest creation, PDF generation, barcode scanning, and Quickbooks integration. The project was huge and there were complications at various levels, which our team discussed during the discovery phase. We spoke to the client, got clarity, made suggestions, and finally came up with a working plan.</p> <p>The main implementational requirements were as follows:</p> <h4>Job Creation</h4> <p>The basic unit was called ‘Job’. This would contain customer reference, sender and origin branch reference, and around 42 fields conditionally displaying which collect various information about the job and later helps in tracking and finally a field collection with the actual job items. The most complicated part was the validation and calculation. Each job item, based on the selected pricing plan and weight mode needed to be validated against set criteria, and the price needed to be calculated through AJAX. Forms API, Field API, AJAX API, and validation handlers we heavily utilized and every single logical channel was handled with care keeping the performance parameter in mind. The client wanted each calculation and validation to not take more than a few sec and we needed to implement heavy performance tuning in order to achieve this.</p> <h4>Customer Creation</h4> <p>Customers were referenced at various points in job creation - customer, sender, and receiver. The customer content type had about 54 fields taking inputs on various information about the customer. It was neatly organized into various tabs through field collection tabs and field collection ajax modules. For a customer, there would be a few pricing plans attached which would decide how the pricing rules will be applied to the jobs.</p> <h4>Pricing Plan Creation</h4> <p>The pricing plan content type was designed to add prices. In addition to some fields collecting general information about the plan, it was of 2 main types; Pricing by Weight and Pricing by PL SPC. So it will have rows. For each row, you mention sender and origin branch and then you set price by PL SPC and/or weight. When you set prices, you would need to set them in chunks, say 0 - 10, 10 - 20, 20 - 40, etc. When pricing would be calculated in the jobs content type, the weight, origin, and destination branch would be passed and the right price would be returned. This was a very complicated mechanism and needed a huge amount of calculation and validation checks.</p> <h4>Getting Jobs, Customers &amp; Pricing to Play Well Together</h4> <p>These 3 entities needed a lot of coworking. Jobs are where these 3 things are integrated. In jobs, you would select the customer, pricing plan would be deduced and combining it with sender and receiver branch and weight ranges, the price would be calculated. There were several other conditions like once automatic calculation kicks in, users can override the value through manual entry. However, for that, a marker needs to be set which would show up during the job view. Safe to say, these three things were extremely complicated parts of the project, but other features were not too far behind!</p> <h4>Manifests &amp; Connotes</h4> <p>When a job passes from branch to branch, various manifests and connotes are created. Each manifest and connote can hold multiple jobs as a part of the shipment. We employed and created a full blow custom field type and custom selection widget for this as the client had in mind a very specific way of doing this and we were to do it exactly like that.</p> <h4>Job, Manifests, Connote PDF Generation</h4> <p>At each stage, Jobs, Manifests and Connotes needed to be exported as PDFs. These PDFs needed to look exactly like what they used to use, which was detailed tabular structure and a custom barcode printed against each. We made use of MPDF library with some patches and custom enhancements in order to set certain style elements into the PDF. The process of setting this was very time consuming and complicated, but we managed it very well in the end.</p> <h4>Bar Code Scanning</h4> <p>Client wanted a mechanism through which the PDFs generated would need to be scanned, and there would be an interface, which would allow bulk updating of certain properties. For example, a client would open the interface, scan a few manifests and connotes and then mention what change was needed, for example updating the branch and check in status. Once done and saved, all those properties for the manifests and connotes for which barcodes were scanned would update all together. This was again a very complicated process.</p> <h4>Quickbooks Integration</h4> <p>Finally, the entire system was to be integrated with the Quickbooks software which the client used to keep his finance and accounts. This means export of customers, pricing plans, jobs pricing and status, connotes and manifests data. This was again a huge and very lengthy task, in which we needed to custom code the API and finally check and fix the calculation errors through a det of dummy data. The nature of the data was very varied and there were an extremely large number of parameters that needed to be taken into consideration.</p> <h4>Admin Management Screens for Customers, Jobs, Pricing Plans, Manifests and Connotes</h4> <p>The Client needed a detailed management area where they could view these data based on certain filters and complex combinations of display parameters. For example, jobs which passed a certain date would be colour coded for better display and filtering.</p></div> <div><p>From the client’s perspective, the main success of this portal has been the ease of <strong>managing a business</strong> which till that point was extremely difficult as things were mainly manual. Also, the various stakeholders involved (customers, warehouse managers, drivers) were extremely satisfied not only with this entire thing being managed and operated online but also the extremely <strong>intuitive and easy-to-use UI/UX</strong>, especially some of them not being very tech-savvy.</p> <p>This was a very complex project, and as they say, the more the <strong>complexity, the sweeter the success tastes</strong>. We were finally relieved to see that the client was extremely <strong>satisfied and pleasantly</strong> surprised by some of the features that we implemented, the client was not even sure that it could be implemented in a usable fashion. End result, happy customer and happy us!</p></div> <div><a href="/node/1879" hreflang="en">Wards Testimonial</a></div> <div> <img src="/sites/default/files/2023-02/WT_0.png" width="1540" height="980" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" /> </div> <div><p>The project was conceived as an <strong>effort to replace manual operations with an online automated system</strong>. The project demanded a <strong>deep understanding of the company operations</strong> and freight handling, in order to be able to suggest effective solutions. Through our discovery workshops, we were able to discuss and work around various challenges posed, and we were able to deliver a solution that <strong>reduced backend operation cost by 25%</strong>, <strong>reduced error margin by a staggering 65%</strong> and <strong>improved profit margin by about 12%</strong>. </p></div> <div>2 years of development, ongoing maintenance</div> <div><a href="/node/1907" hreflang="en">Wards Testimonial II</a></div> <div><p>The main challenge of the project was to gain an in-depth understanding of the entire business operations and workflow. Since this project required an in-depth solutions design, our team needed to understand exactly how the offline operations are carried out and grasp the challenges they were facing in each step. Once we absorbed the workflow, we needed to design an efficient solution that would be robust enough to handle the traffic and job load.</p></div> <div> <div> <div class="paragraph paragraph--type--outcome-highlights paragraph--view-mode--default"> <div> <div>Heading</div> <div>Reduced backend operation cost by 25%</div> </div> <div> <div>Outcome</div> <div><p>With the cumbersome offline processes replaced with streamlines online processes, the backend operations cost reduced drastically</p></div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="paragraph paragraph--type--outcome-highlights paragraph--view-mode--default"> <div> <div>Heading</div> <div>Reduced error margin by 65%</div> </div> <div> <div>Outcome</div> <div><p>Online operations introduced automations, thereby reducing the manual errors drastically making the system more efficient.</p></div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="paragraph paragraph--type--outcome-highlights paragraph--view-mode--default"> <div> <div>Heading</div> <div>Improved profit margin by about 12%</div> </div> <div> <div>Outcome</div> <div><p>With reduced timeline and improved efficiency, the profit margin increased significantly.</p></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div>Cloud &amp; DevOps</div> <div>Digital Prototyping</div> <div>Enterprise Drupal Development</div> <div>MVP Development</div> <div>Product-Market Fit</div> <div>UI Design &amp; Implementation</div> <div>Web Development</div> </div> <div> <div>Amazon AWS</div> <div>Browserstack</div> <div>Confluence</div> <div>CSS</div> <div>Drupal 8</div> <div>GIT</div> <div>HTML</div> <div>JIRA</div> <div>jQuery</div> <div>MySQL</div> <div>PHP</div> <div>Postman</div> </div> <div> <div>Transportation &amp; Logistics</div> </div> <div> <img src="/sites/default/files/2023-02/WTL_1.png" width="629" height="221" alt="WTL" typeof="foaf:Image" /> </div> <div> <img src="/sites/default/files/2023-02/MicrosoftTeams-image%20%288%29.png" width="1540" height="980" alt="WT" typeof="foaf:Image" /> </div> <div>2</div> Tue, 10 Jan 2023 21:57:37 +0000 admin 1876 at Implementation of Online Auction and RFQ Platform for Iron Steel Products <span>Implementation of Online Auction and RFQ Platform for Iron Steel Products</span> <span><span lang="" about="/user/1" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">admin</span></span> <span>Tue, 01/10/2023 - 21:39</span> <div>Implementation of online auction and RFQ platform for Iron &amp; steel products including detailed portfolio management</div> <div> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/2023-02/FL.png?itok=Y9JTfyZF" width="480" height="232" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" /> </div> <div>Construction &amp; Manufacturing</div> <div>Middle East</div> <div> <div>Extensive portfolio management functionality</div> <div>Online auction implementation</div> <div>Products and RFQ management</div> <div>UI/UX development</div> <div>Performance optimization</div> </div> <div> <div>Drupal 8/9</div> <div>Apache SOLR</div> <div>Bitbucket</div> <div>Amazon AWS</div> </div> <div><p>The client reached out to us with a partially built site, as their development team was not able to complete the remaining work due to some issues. The client was looking for a development team to pick up the development, instead of building from scratch. The client had a limited timeline, as they were already behind schedule and they planned to launch the site in one of the largest construction and manufacturing expos in the country. They reached out to a number of teams, but none were keep to pick up on an existing codebase. Our team, however, were up for the challenge. We did a detailed discovery workshop, and laid down a clear development plan that included enough time for code review and reverse engineering.</p></div> <div><p>The portal is a marketplace for Iron and Steel products - to connect sellers and buyers together. The goal of the website is to bridge the gap between sellers and buyers of iron and steel products in micro (C2C) or macro (B2B) scales. Service Providers register on the site and can create Products, Auctions, RFQs, Tender Sales. There are various intricate interactions between these three components, and a detailed membership module delegating permissions based on membership levels. Also the site needed to be fully bi lingual, in Farsi (RTL) and English. This is Phase I of the project which we completed. There will be 3 more phases, which we shall start working on, which includes email / SMS based notification alert and custom subscription creation, full blown E-commerce and marketplace feature and Social Media Integration. All these considerations needed to be kept in mind while building the structure and the background work.</p></div> <div><p>The major requirements of the site can be mainly grouped into the following:</p> <h4>User Account Creation &amp; Registration Mechanism</h4> <p>Users should be able to create accounts. We had to replace the email based registration system to a phone number based registration system. The users need to add their phone numbers and OTP will be sent to them. Once they add in the OTP, they will be asked to set their password and get in. To change the password also, they need to add in Phone Number and validate the OTP. We used Twillio as OTP service for the supported countries, and used a private SMS service for Iran, which the client preferred. Once in, users can set their profile data and can use start to create products and other entities.</p> <h4>Products</h4> <p>This is the main building block of the other entities - RFQs, Tender Sales and Auctions. User needs to add at least one product before they can create other entities. The product had a huge number of specification fields, and they needed to organised as cleanly as possible. We employed Field Collection, Field Collection tables and host of other modules for this, in total we had around 46 fields to be created in the product content type itself. We also employed google Maps and reverse geocoding for the Load Location field.</p> <h4>RFQs</h4> <p>Sellers could then, once they had added some products, create RFQs or Request for Quotes. This had a complicated feature of either choosing a product, or be able to custom product right in that content type, which needed to be multivalued. Main complication was that the number of fields were huge, around 46. We solved this problem using Inline Entity form and Field Collection AJAX modules. The RFQs also had an end date, and users could bid on the RFQ till the end date. The RFQ bid feature was implemented using the comments entity on the RFQ node and a few custom tables to track pricing.</p> <h4>Auctions</h4> <p>The Auction feature had all the features of normal auction. Sellers could create auction and mention the products he wants to auction (that the seller created). He would also mention an end date of the auction and a base price. The users will then bid on the auction. This bid feature was fully custom implemented, and users can only bid an amount that is greater than the last bid. At the end of the timeframe, the user with highest bid amount will be the winner.</p> <h4>Membership Feature</h4> <p>We used membership Entity as the base for this feature and then extended the work through our custom modules. The membership Entity module declares everything through Entity API making it very much extendible. We implemented additional permission checks and associated roles to award and revoke membership. Also, the membership page is integrated to registration. As user sets their password, they are taken to membership page, asking them if they would subscribe. They have the option to skip this step though.</p> <h4>Private Chat</h4> <p>The chat feature was implemented using the Drupalchat module. We used the code and forked the module to add our necessary customisations. Need to heavily customise it, but nevertheless the base work has been very helpful and time saver. In Phase II plan is to use nodejs and the chat driver, right now it's using ajax polling method.</p></div> <div><p>The project was extremely complicated. It had lots of layers and main challenge was to keep it steering ahead without creating logical blobs for us. The architecture needed to be very robust to be able to handle the features of not just this phase, but also upcoming 3 Phases, which the client has already briefed us beforehand. We did careful planning and divided the tasks into sprints. Each and every architectural decision was carefully evaluated ensuring it will play well long term and it will not conflict with a future solution that we need to implement. Eventually all turned out to be good, and the client was extremely happy with the functionalities, backend and overall communication and responsiveness of out team. The project was a success! Time to get moving with the rest of the phases which we are already into.</p></div> <div><a href="/node/1880" hreflang="en">Foolad 24 Testimonial</a></div> <div> <img src="/sites/default/files/2023-02/FL_0.png" width="1160" height="560" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" /> </div> <div><p>Initiating a project from scratch and completing it with perfection is challenging. But getting involved in a project midway, with minimal documentation and in limited time is a completely different challenge. Throughout this project, our team demonstrated <strong>skill, commitment and technical expertise</strong> as they were able to <strong>complete the project in stipulated timeline and budget,</strong> even though they faced an uphill battle in <strong>assimilating the existing codebase and workflow</strong>, especially without any proper documentation.</p></div> <div>Fixed Scope, ongoing maintenance</div> <div><a href="/node/1908" hreflang="en">Foolad 24 Testimonial II</a></div> <div><p>The main challenge of the project was the the fact that we needed to pick up and work on a half built set up. The existing development team also left behind minimum documentation and we needed to reverse engineer a lot of the features in order to deconstruct the working. The goal of the project was to create a marketplace for Iron and Steel products. The Service Providers will be able to register, and create their profile. Once done, they can create products, RFQs, Auctions and Tender Sales. Buyers can come and search these, and contact the sellers directory through call/chat. If they need to place the bids on the RFQs or Auctions, they need to create an account in the site. The sellers will need to subscribe to membership levels and based on that, they would have certain access to certain features of the site.</p></div> <div> <div>Cloud &amp; DevOps</div> <div>Digital Prototyping</div> <div>MVP Development</div> <div>Product Design Strategy</div> <div>Support &amp; Maintenance</div> <div>Team Augmentation</div> <div>UI Design &amp; Implementation</div> <div>Web Development</div> </div> <div> <div>Amazon AWS</div> <div>Apache SOLR</div> <div>Browserstack</div> <div>CSS</div> <div>Drupal 8</div> <div>Drupal 9</div> <div>GIT</div> <div>HTML</div> <div>jQuery</div> <div>MySQL</div> <div>PHP</div> <div>Selenium</div> </div> <div> <div>Construction &amp; Manufacturing</div> </div> Tue, 10 Jan 2023 21:39:58 +0000 admin 1875 at Digital product scaling and team augmentation of a reputed online publishing company <span>Digital product scaling and team augmentation of a reputed online publishing company</span> <span><span lang="" about="/user/1" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">admin</span></span> <span>Tue, 01/10/2023 - 21:33</span> <div>Digital product scaling and team augmentation of a reputed online publishing company through effective DXP strategy &amp; consulting</div> <div> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/2023-02/STB.png?itok=JTHPYdY3" width="480" height="305" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" /> </div> <div>Online Publishing</div> <div>USA, Canada</div> <div> <div>In depth CMS implementation, content moderation flow, advertisement module</div> </div> <div> <div>Drupal 8</div> <div>Domain Access Suite</div> <div>Elasticsuite</div> <div>Docker</div> <div>Digital Ocean</div> <div>Github</div> <div>Confluence</div> </div> <div><p>The client is a reputed online <strong>publishing and business listing company</strong>. They were running sites with primitive proprietary CMSs and was facing increasing difficulty to maintain these websites. Particularly the three above mentioned websites were different versions of the same <strong>website as these are affiliate sites</strong> of the same parent company. There were three major focuses on the development - Ease of content editing, a very advanced advertising management feature and an impressive look and feel with interactive elements.</p></div> <div><p>The website was running with primitive proprietary CMS and content editors were facing difficulty to maintain the content publishing to individual sub-sites. Particularly those websites were different versions of the same website (multisite) and were affiliated sites of the parent company.</p> <h4>Advance Content Management Features</h4> <p>The client wanted to have advanced content management features which shall be able to publish content in one or different sites (we call domains) by simply selecting while creating the content.</p> <h4>Detailed Content Flow</h4> <p>Also, there was supposed to be a detailed content flow wherein editors were able to create contents and submit for approval. Then an approver can go in make recommendations to the editors and this process can go on back and forth till all is good and the the publisher can go forward and publish the content to the site, at this point the content becomes actually visible to the end users.</p> <h4>Content Storage</h4> <p>Also each and every change made to a piece of content was to be stored as revisions. When required, publishers could revert back to an old revision.</p> <h4>Advanced Advertisement Module</h4> <p>There was an advanced advertisement module we created. The client had different 3rd party paid ads from various categories. Each of those ads had various tags. We needed to pull those ads which belongs to the ads in the present page being viewed and being able to be dynamically pulled in. So at a particular page, only the most relevant ads were supposed to be displayed.</p></div> <div><p>We built a CMS with features like publishing content in different domains and implemented the facility where content can be stored as a revision and can be reverted back to old revision, advertising management feature, advanced advertisement module and an elegant look and feel with interactive elements. The website had different 3rd party paid ads from various categories where every ad had various tags. We required to pull those ads which belonged to the ads in the present page being viewed and being able to be dynamically pulled in. So at a particular page, only the most relevant ads were supposed to be displayed.</p></div> <div><a href="/node/1884" hreflang="en">Storebrand Testimonial</a></div> <div> <img src="/sites/default/files/2023-02/STB_0.png" width="1540" height="980" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" /> </div> <div><p>Once you have found the <strong>product-market fit</strong>, it's time to <strong>scale up</strong> your product. By virtue of our team's extensive knowledge in <strong>digital product scaling</strong>, we were able to effectively assist the client to <strong>grow their online publishing platform</strong> into a <strong>mature product</strong>. Their team <strong>lacked technical expertise and knowledge</strong> and we were able to <strong>commission a dedicated development team</strong> for them in a matter of days, which helped them to achieve significant <strong>organic traffic growth</strong>, increase in <strong>customer retention</strong> and growth in <strong>advertisement revenues</strong> through our <strong>consulting &amp; digital strategy</strong>.</p></div> <div>2+ years of continuous development, ongoing support &amp; maintenance</div> <div><a href="/node/1909" hreflang="en">Storebrand Testimonial II</a></div> <div> <div>Cloud &amp; DevOps</div> <div>Continuous Monitoring</div> <div>Digital Design &amp; Branding</div> <div>Enterprise Drupal Development</div> <div>Incident Management</div> <div>Minor Enhancements &amp; Bug Fixes</div> <div>Performance Optimization</div> <div>Product Scaling</div> <div>Support &amp; Maintenance</div> <div>Team Augmentation</div> <div>UX Consulting &amp; Audit</div> <div>Web Development</div> </div> <div> <div>Angular</div> <div>Apache SOLR</div> <div>Browserstack</div> <div>Confluence</div> <div>Docker</div> <div>Drupal 8</div> <div>Elasticsearch</div> <div>GIT</div> <div>Headless Drupal</div> <div>JIRA</div> <div>MySQL</div> <div>Postman</div> </div> <div> <div>Media, Entertainment &amp; Publishing</div> </div> Tue, 10 Jan 2023 21:33:44 +0000 admin 1874 at Implementation of legal compliance assessment portal <span>Implementation of legal compliance assessment portal</span> <span><span lang="" about="/user/1" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">admin</span></span> <span>Tue, 01/10/2023 - 17:42</span> <div>Implementation of a legal compliance assessment portal, that includes an in-depth assessment mechanism and graphical reporting insights</div> <div> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/2023-02/MQ.png?itok=vZhWw4ef" width="480" height="305" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" /> </div> <div>Legal &amp; Compliance</div> <div>UK</div> <div> <div>In-depth user registration Journey</div> <div>Statistics &amp; graphical analytics report</div> <div>Assessment &amp; question bank mechanism implementation</div> <div>Backend development</div> <div>Frontend implementation</div> <div>UI/UX design</div> <div>SEO &amp; performance optimization</div> </div> <div> <div>Drupal 8</div> <div>Amazon AWS</div> <div>Elasticsearch</div> <div>Sendgrid</div> <div>Highcharts Integration</div> </div> <div><p>The client contacted us after going through our case studies, and they has a very rough outline of the requirement. But the <strong>timeline seemed extremely tight</strong>, and to be able to hit it, we needed to move fast. Discussions were done, and everything was finalised fast. We began with a very short discovery workshop, and kickstarted development. The client selected us because of they were extremely impressed with our <strong>effective technical suggestions, positive approach and clear communication</strong>.</p></div> <div><p>The client was a startup in the compliance space. With over 15 years of AML/Compliance background, the client along with his partner set out to create a revolutionary online assessment portal, that would be used by financial organisations for training and certification of their workforce.</p></div> <div><p>This portal is a legal compliance assessment portal. The main purpose of this portal is to <strong>test and measure user's legal compliance knowledge quotient</strong> as compared to their competitors in different job roles, age groups, work domains and demographics. The project needed to be ready quickly (MVP was to be launched in a matter on months), as during that time, a <strong>few competitors of the client were working in a similar space,</strong> and the client wanted to have the <strong>early mover advantage</strong> in the market. </p></div> <div><h4>A Question bank, where admin can create questions for use in the test</h4> <p>Questions should have a category (again admin managed), a difficulty quotient (easy, moderate, hard, difficult). Questions can be of different types - like True/False, Image/Video questions, Multi-choice, option mapping etc. Each question was supposed to have different marks for the correct answers and an optional negative marking for wrong answers.</p> <h4>Questions Mapped to Proper Categories</h4> <p>Each Question, as mentioned above were supposed to be mapped to categories. Also, as mentioned above each question had a difficulty quotient. Now difficulty quotient calculation was of two modes - static &amp; dynamic. The static mode was where an admin explicitly selected a difficulty quotient. As the test progresses and a substantial number of users have taken the test, the admin should have an option to select a category and mark questions for dynamic difficulty quotient calculation. Once they flipped a option switch, a dynamic difficulty level was calculated for each questions in each category based on correct response to the number of appearance ratio and all questions from that category were awarded a dynamic difficulty quotient.</p> <h4>In-depth Quiz Roll Out Mechanism</h4> <p>Quiz roll out mechanism needed to be incorporated. Admin could create and roll out quizzes as and when required. Each quiz could be of different types - static questions, where admin picked the questions manually from the question bank, and dynamic questions where questions were assigned to a quiz based on a pattern. For this admin needed to mention the number of categories and number of questions from each category. here there will be a shuffling of difficulty. A dynamic calculation mechanism will allow the quiz to be having varied difficulty level sections for different quizzes. So two users taking a quiz can get a difficult section A and other can get a relatively easy section B, but that will be then compensated by aa easy section B for first user and a difficult section B for second user. SO in other words, users might get sections of varied difficulty but overall difficulty of the test remains constant.</p> <h4>A Detailed Statistics for Admin and Users Based on Various Criteria Like Age Group, Profession and Demographics</h4> <p>Another important part was the statistics part. There was a leaderboard section where an user taking the test can see his ranking. Also, he sees about 15 graphs measuring his score against his peers across different age groups, job roles, educational qualifications and demographics. All test takers fills out the informations related to age groups, job roles etc while they register and then information is used at the end of the test to roll out the statistics.</p> <h4>Advanced Graphical Representation of Data</h4> <p>Also the client required different admin graphs, like questions appearance per category for automated test creation, total tests taken, total number users started the test but not completed it etc. Also, each registered user can access various graphs that would show comparison of their performance across various factors. There graphs are for general test performance, as well as their performance per test.</p></div> <div><p>The project, inspite of having an extremely steep timeline, hit the market earlier than expected. This gave a huge competitive advantage to the client. Also, the client initially <strong>did not have much idea regarding the Drupal backend</strong>, found it extremely easy to manage. They were very happy with our tech stack suggestion and pleased to see the complete control they had over the questions and assessment management. Also, the little admin testing mechanism we provided proved to be very helpful for the backend team to take various tests and make sure that the quizzes work as expected. </p></div> <div><p>Impressed by our team's technical competence, the association continued. Once the product was live, market testing and user feedbacks revealed more features which we continued to develop in phases. Also, we were in charge of the portal maintenance and provide support to the backend team. </p></div> <div><a href="/node/1885" hreflang="en">MyCOmplianceIQ Testimonial</a></div> <div> <img src="/sites/default/files/2023-02/MQ_0.png" width="1540" height="980" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" /> </div> <div><p>During the initial days of the project, we had <strong>hit several roadblocks</strong>. Since the <strong>MVP was supposed to be developed quickly</strong> (before one of their competitors launched their product), we were forced to begin the implementation without freezing the complete scope. As a result, we faced real <strong>threat of technical debt buildup</strong>, and missing the deadline. But our team <strong>handled all the challenges maturely</strong> and the final product not only fulfilled the scope, but the project was completed before time. The outcome was <strong>15% reduction is overall cost</strong> and <strong>3x more customer acquisition</strong> through early mover advantage.</p></div> <div>15 months of development, ongoing maintenance</div> <div><a href="/node/1910" hreflang="en">MyCOmplianceIQ Testimonial II</a></div> <div><p>There were a lot of challenges we faced with this project. The basis of this project was laid out by the quiz<strong> module, which has already done a good job</strong> and the module is very flexible as well. Most of the requirements of this project needed us to extend that to a very large extent, in order to provide the necessary complex functionality that the client wanted. For example, they needed that each test will have a certain category and difficulty level composition of questions. So each test will have 25% each from 4 categories, but then all the questions will have a 25% each from each difficulty level. The <strong>difficulty level might vary from level to level</strong>, but the overall difficulty composition must be the same. So some might have a tough Category A, and others might have a tough category B, but overall test difficulty feels shall remain the same. This is just one instance, and there were numerous such requirements which made the project very challenging. Another challenging feature was the comparison graphs. This site compares a staggering amount of data, and there are <strong>around 62 comparison graphs</strong> in this. We implemented the awesome Highcharts API for this, but this required a lot of research and computation and some advanced mysql query on our part for getting the data ready to be fed to Highcharts. Also, the Highcharts API was used extensively to change the look and feel of those graphs.</p></div> <div> <div> <div class="paragraph paragraph--type--outcome-highlights paragraph--view-mode--default"> <div> <div>Heading</div> <div>15% reduction is cost</div> </div> <div> <div>Outcome</div> <div><p>We were able to complete the project earlier than the planned timeline, and hence there was a 15% reduction in overall cost.</p></div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="paragraph paragraph--type--outcome-highlights paragraph--view-mode--default"> <div> <div>Heading</div> <div>3x more customer acquisition</div> </div> <div> <div>Outcome</div> <div><p>Because of the early mover advantage, the client was able to launch the product before his competitors, resulting in more customer acquisition.</p></div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="paragraph paragraph--type--outcome-highlights paragraph--view-mode--default"> <div> <div>Heading</div> <div>In-depth assessment mechanism</div> </div> <div> <div>Outcome</div> <div><p>we developed a powerful assessment platform, that could be easily controlled through the backend, giving more flecibility to the overall platform management.</p></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div>API &amp; Microservices</div> <div>Cloud &amp; DevOps</div> <div>Digital Prototyping</div> <div>MVP Development</div> <div>Product Design Strategy</div> <div>Product-Market Fit</div> <div>Support &amp; Maintenance</div> <div>UI Design &amp; Implementation</div> <div>Web Development</div> </div> <div> <div>Amazon AWS</div> <div>Browserstack</div> <div>Confluence</div> <div>Drupal 8</div> <div>GIT</div> <div>Headless Drupal</div> <div>JIRA</div> <div>JMeter</div> <div>MySQL</div> <div>PHP</div> <div>Postman</div> <div>Vue.js</div> </div> <div> <div>Legal &amp; Compliance</div> </div> Tue, 10 Jan 2023 17:42:20 +0000 admin 1873 at Aegir Based Drupal Commerce Multi Site Ecommerce Implementation <span>Aegir Based Drupal Commerce Multi Site Ecommerce Implementation</span> <span><span lang="" about="/user/1" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">admin</span></span> <span>Tue, 01/10/2023 - 17:35</span> <div>Aegir based drupal commerce multi-site e-commerce implementation for a wellness startup</div> <div> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/2023-02/PQ.png?itok=DIJnltEO" width="480" height="305" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" /> </div> <div>Ecommerce &amp; Lifestyle</div> <div>Australia, New Zealand</div> <div> <div>Multisite implementation using Aegir, Ecommerce development</div> </div> <div> <div>Drupal 8</div> <div>Aegir Hosting</div> <div>Apache SOLR</div> <div>Domain Access Suite</div> <div>JIRA</div> <div>Confluence</div> </div> <div><p>The client is a reputed and well established spa offering the highest standards in spa treatments in a beautifully tranquil environment, through their professionally trained staff. Through this product, they wanted to enter the B2B space, by licensing other businesses with their booking mechanism.</p></div> <div><p>This project was about building a web product for an e-commerce company, who wanted to sell e-commerce extensions to different websites. Ideally, it would be a multi site setup for different clients who would want to set up an e-commerce extension for their own websites by purchasing this service.</p> <p>This is a classic example of a complex drupal multisite set up heavily relying on Aegir. Ideally any website owner, who wish to set up an ecommerce store, but don’t want to go through the pain of implementing a full blown ecommerce into their site, would purchase the service from this client, and would select a few basic features, like subdomain name, and package and template they wish to subscribe to. The client already had different templates for ecommerce stores, which are nothing but drupal installations with different features, themes and set ups. Once they select this, Aegir will roll out a new drupal website with the selected template, with the subdomain what the client wanted. While main domain is not a drupal site, they have purchased a service from my client, and then wanted to set up an ecommerce store at a new subdomain which is rolled out by Aegir system automatically with the pre selected templates (called drush make files), which are nothing but complete drupal set ups ready with themes, modules and configurations like necessary content types for products, informational pieces and banners.</p></div> <div><p>Overall, this was a simple ecommerce site in Drupal, with standard shopping cart, checkout rules, wishlist, coupons etc. but the main challenge of this project was the multisite setup and Aegir. Basically client wanted to sell this platform as template to other vendors, and so he required something through which he could roll out new sites everyday without much technical input. Also, he should be able to manage those sites with each and from a single dashboard. It immediately prompted us to suggest Aegir, as it is an excellent solution, which does exactly the same. After the site was set up, our team and the client’s server team worked together to roll out and successfully test the first version of the site set up using Aegir. Then client gave us an order of more than 20 templates with various configuration so that he could just select those while rolling out new sites. These were configures and our team created different drush make files for each configuration and setup. Needless to say, the solution was just perfect and was exactly what the client needed.</p></div> <div><p>The Aegir solution we <strong>suggested was just perfect</strong> for the client. Had it been a normal multisite setup, things would not have been so easy for the client and quite a few things which were easily achievable with Aegir would not have been possible with <strong>simple multisite setup</strong>. The configuration involved and the journey itself was very challenging but at the end, the client was extremely happy with the solution provided and that is what we call a success.</p></div> <div><a href="/node/1886" hreflang="en">PeaceQuite Testimonial</a></div> <div> <img src="/sites/default/files/2023-02/PQ_0.png" width="1540" height="980" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" /> </div> <div><p>Our deep expertise in <strong>Enterprise Drupal Development</strong> ensures that our team is capable enough to take on any complex task thrown at us. We achieved a <strong>complex Aegir based Drupal Commerce implementation</strong>, which was supposed to be a <strong>multi-site setup</strong> with a payment based <strong>automated site-rollout mechanism</strong>. This was the core proposition of the client's business, which was to <strong>replace their manual flow</strong>, and make their <strong>product truly scalable</strong>. Through our implementation, we were able to <strong>transform and create a profound impact</strong> on how the client managed their backend operations.</p></div> <div>9 months of core development, followed by on-demand feature enhancements</div> <div><a href="/node/1911" hreflang="en">PeaceQuite Testimonial II</a></div> <div> <div>Cloud &amp; DevOps</div> <div>E-Commerce Strategy &amp; Implementation</div> <div>Minor Enhancements &amp; Bug Fixes</div> <div>Product Design Strategy</div> <div>Product Scaling</div> <div>Web Development</div> </div> <div> <div>Amazon AWS</div> <div>Drupal 8</div> <div>JIRA</div> <div>MySQL</div> </div> <div> <div>Beauty, Lifestlye and Healthcare</div> </div> Tue, 10 Jan 2023 17:35:18 +0000 admin 1872 at Implementation of an online landlord reference verification system <span>Implementation of an online landlord reference verification system</span> <span><span lang="" about="/user/1" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">admin</span></span> <span>Wed, 01/04/2023 - 11:46</span> <div>Implementation of an online landlord reference verification system through automation and a centralized rental history database</div> <div> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/2023-02/RIC.png?itok=wP2DOtrq" width="480" height="305" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" /> </div> <div>Real Estate</div> <div>United States</div> <div> <div>In depth verification system design</div> <div>Hassle free user flow</div> <div>Simplistic UI/UX</div> <div>Frontend development</div> <div>Backend implementation</div> <div>Process design</div> </div> <div> <div>Drupal 7/8</div> <div>Bitbucket</div> <div>Docker</div> <div>Browserstack</div> </div> <div><p>The client came to know about us through Linkedin, and they eventually got in touch with us with their requirement. Our technical team evaluated the requirement, and we held a series of meetings with the client's team in order to finalize the process design. Since MVP delivery timeline was extremely small, the client was especially concerned, and so were we. But as we went along and proposed the solutions, the client, impressed by our technical capabilities, communication and agility, confirmed our collaboration, and we began the work for the project.</p></div> <div><p>The project was about building an online portal for landlord reference check conceived specifically for the single-family and multi-family property management industry. It helps landlords and property managers easily request and provide landlords references about their tenants online. It is a fastest and best-in-class, solution that makes requesting landlord references and providing landlord references extremely fast, simple, and secure.</p> <p>This portal is an online landlord reference verification system. The client wanted to have a system in place where a landlord can request a reference from the previous landlord of a tenant regarding different security and behavioral aspects of the tenant to make sure the tenant is fit to be allowed to stay at his/her property.</p></div> <div><p>Here's the main workflow of the project, as designed by our architects.</p> <h4>Tenant provides his details and present landlord registers and feeds the data onto the system</h4> <p>The tenant will provide the name and email ID of the past landlord. The present landlord will go into the system and needs to register a request for reference. Once he registers, he can fill out a form with the details of the property, his own contact details and will enter the name and email ID of the landlord he is requesting information from.</p> <h4>Past landlord receives notification and submits a reference</h4> <p>Once he submits the form, an email will be sent to the past landlord. From the email sent, the past landlord can click on the link and come to the site. There are two cases. If the past landlord is already registered, he will see a login form from which he can login and then fill out the verification form. If he is not already registered in the site, he sees an additional verification screen, where he needs to confirm his authenticity by entering the email. This ensures that someone can’t randomly copy the verification link and gain access. once the past landlords completes this step he can then fill out the information form and submit reference. The system then at the end of this step, prompts him to register if he is not already a member of the site.</p> <h4>Detailed search mechanism to view feedbacks by other landlord</h4> <p>There is a detailed site mechanism for the submitted references. Once you search by tenant name, past landlord name or requesting landlord name, you see a stripped down version of the submitted references. To view the details of the submitted references, user needs to enter the date of birth as well. This is done to ensure that one who is searching has a valid reason to do so, and also that he has the legitimate information to access the search results. The references which is either submitted, requested by the current user gets displayed in the full view by default.</p> <h4>Other advanced features</h4> <p>There are other advanced methods like creating a digital signature (which subsequently gets emailed as attachment), a detailed PDF report generation which is emailed to the requester as well as sender.</p></div> <div><p>The project turned out to be great. The <strong>backend and configuration</strong> flexibility that came with using a<strong> framework like drupal </strong>shone bright and the client was very happy with the product. There was a month-long beta period for this product and the client received some very positive feedback.</p></div> <div><a href="/node/1881" hreflang="en">Renterinc Testimonial</a></div> <div> <img src="/sites/default/files/2023-02/RIC_0.png" width="1540" height="980" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" /> </div> <div><p>Through <strong>careful planing and skilful execution</strong>, it is possible to execute even the most complex tasks, easily. It is with this belief, our team took up an otherwise impossible task of <strong>releasing the MVP for this project </strong>in an extremely small timeframe. From UI/UX designing to functionality implementation, the <strong>MVP was launched in record time</strong>, and the client was able to get the much needed market validation. Eventually, subsequent phases added more features and final product boasts of a <strong>simplified user journey</strong>, <strong>intuitiuve UI/UX</strong> and a <strong>relatively simple but powerful admin backend</strong>.</p></div> <div>Fixed scope, ongoing maintenance</div> <div><a href="/node/1912" hreflang="en">Renterinc Testimonial II</a></div> <div><p>The major challenge for the project was the MVP timeline. We needed to be extra planned, and a lot of the project processes needed to happen in parallel. Also, it needed an extremely good communication and our team was up foe the challenge. Out architectural planning team was able to come up with a feasible plan, and out development team ensure that it was followed, and we could roll our the MVP in time. Once MVP was rolled out, rest of the project was developed in phases and we eventually completed the entire project.</p></div> <div> <div>Cloud &amp; DevOps</div> <div>Digital Prototyping</div> <div>MVP Development</div> <div>UI Design &amp; Implementation</div> <div>Web Development</div> </div> <div> <div>Apache SOLR</div> <div>Browserstack</div> <div>CSS</div> <div>Drupal 8</div> <div>GIT</div> <div>HTML</div> <div>JIRA</div> <div>JMeter</div> <div>jQuery</div> <div>MySQL</div> <div>PHP</div> </div> <div> <div>Real Estate</div> </div> Wed, 04 Jan 2023 11:46:40 +0000 admin 1871 at Implementation of an edtech platform for online tutor scheduling <span>Implementation of an edtech platform for online tutor scheduling</span> <span><span lang="" about="/user/1" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">admin</span></span> <span>Mon, 01/02/2023 - 11:47</span> <div>Implementation of an edtech platform for online tutor scheduling with in-depth live class mechanism</div> <div> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/2023-02/BH.png?itok=qQCG2A6p" width="480" height="305" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" /> </div> <div>Edtech</div> <div>Belgium, Netherlands</div> <div> <div>Ideation &amp; project roadmap development</div> <div>Drupal custom module development</div> <div>Drupal site building &amp; frontend</div> <div>Support &amp; AMC</div> <div>Performance optimization</div> </div> <div> <div>Drupal 8</div> <div>Apache SOLR</div> <div>Acquia Cloud</div> <div>GITLabs</div> <div>JIRA</div> <div>Confluence</div> <div>Browserstack</div> </div> <div><p>The client's team had several discussions with us where we interpreted the the market feedbacks we had received into feature set, and they engaged us as a technical consultant to their project. Once the requirement set as hardened, and then development roadmap was clearly laid down, we were obviously the first choice as a development team, considering our contribution to the project so far.</p></div> <div><p>The client is a young and dynamic edtech startup that originated from a varied group of tutors and academics who offer tutoring, both online and in-classroom setup. Headquartered in Ghent, they are active throughout Belgium and the Netherlands. Since 2013, this platform brings students and tutors together. More than 16,000 students have already found a private tutor through their platform.</p></div> <div><p>The portal is an online platform for <strong>students to book classes </strong>from various tutors of diverse backgrounds. Students can search for tutors and classes based on various filters and criteria. These classes can be both <strong>online via web conference</strong>, or home tutoring. </p> <p>This project was meant to be a website for students to book classes from various tutors online. The<strong> tutors would register online </strong>and fill up various information and their resume. They would then go through an approval process and once verified, their listing would start to appear on the site. Students can search based on different criteria using an extensive filtering mechanism. They can then<strong> book the two modes of classes </strong>- either online or offline (if a tutor has added this option to his profile). </p> <p>Then the student makes a payment deposit as per selected tutor as per selected time slot and per hour rate of the tutor. And once done, the payment is escrowed to the tutor, after he enters his bank details, <strong>IBAN and BIC details</strong>. Another great functionality which we implemented here is the group class feature. Any tutor can start the group class and can mention how many students can be accommodated in one group class. And then students start to register for the class till it is full. There are various complex discount calculations which a student is entitled to if<strong> refers another student to the group</strong> as there is a feature to get referral discounts for referring other students to the group class. Some of the processes, especially referral discount calculation, were very complex, and our team of experienced backend<strong> developers  successfully</strong> handled those challenges and went above and beyond every expectation.</p></div> <div><p>Here's a gist of some of the functionalities we built grounds up, as per market feedback and analysis, and discussion with the client's product team.</p> <ul><li><strong>Group Class Mechanism</strong> - The client wanted to implement a new feature called group class. So instead of an one on one session, a tutor can create a class at some future date, and allow multiple students to sign up for the same class. This was supposed to be an extension of the existing class system, but would need a special wage and fees calculation mechanism in place.<br />  </li> <li><strong>Referral Credits &amp; Discounts</strong> - Client also wanted to start a referral mechanism programme. Here, one student can refer another student to join the site. Such users who join in, become the referral of the invitee, and any subsequent classes they purchase will entitle invitee for some discounts on the class the invitee purchases. Also, this referral mechanism was supposed to be multi level, instead of one level. So if a referred student further refers to another one, the invitee of this referred student also gains a referral credit/discount.<br />  </li> <li><strong>Online Video Conferencing for Online Tutoring Classes</strong> - Also, the client needed some enhancements to the online video conferencing feature on top of the existing system.<br />  </li> <li><strong>Design Improvements</strong> - There were quite a few pages, which were pretty basic and did not uphold the spirit of the site. The client discussed this matter with our designing team and engaged us to revamp and improve the design elements across the site to make it look more attractive.</li> </ul></div> <div><p>The series of features we implemented not only helped the client gain more customers, but it also allowed them to expand to new markets, with considerable revenue boost. We forged a strong professional alliance and continue to support them for all their technical needs,</p></div> <div><a href="/node/1882" hreflang="en">Bijleshuis Testimonial</a></div> <div> <img src="/sites/default/files/2023-02/BH_0.png" width="1540" height="980" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" /> </div> <div><p>While the client <strong>already had a MVP launched </strong>and they had gained considerable market insights, they needed <strong>a technical partner co-work with them</strong> to translate these into a solid phased development plan. Our team was able to <strong>evaluate the market feedbacks and design robust solutions</strong> that transformed customer journey and user experience. The features we implemented led to an <strong>overall increase in customer retention by 20%</strong>, <strong>paid customer conversion by 30%</strong> and led to an overall improvement in backend efficiency.</p></div> <div>1.5+ years, phased development</div> <div><a href="/node/1913" hreflang="en">Bijleshuis Testimonial II</a></div> <div> <div> <div class="paragraph paragraph--type--outcome-highlights paragraph--view-mode--default"> <div> <div>Heading</div> <div>Increase in customer retention by 20%</div> </div> <div> <div>Outcome</div> <div><p>With more user friendly process design, the portal became easier to use and the customer retention increased considerably.</p></div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="paragraph paragraph--type--outcome-highlights paragraph--view-mode--default"> <div> <div>Heading</div> <div>Paid customer conversion by 30%</div> </div> <div> <div>Outcome</div> <div><p>The market analysis revealed some must have features, and once these were implemented, the site saw a surge in paid customer number and overall improved conversion rate.</p></div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="paragraph paragraph--type--outcome-highlights paragraph--view-mode--default"> <div> <div>Heading</div> <div>Overall improvement in backend efficiency</div> </div> <div> <div>Outcome</div> <div><p>Through the feature optimizations we did, the backend efficiency increases and led to increase in profit.</p></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div>API &amp; Microservices</div> <div>Cloud &amp; DevOps</div> <div>Digital Design &amp; Branding</div> <div>Digital Prototyping</div> <div>Performance Optimization</div> <div>Product Scaling</div> <div>Support &amp; Maintenance</div> <div>Team Augmentation</div> <div>UI Design &amp; Implementation</div> <div>Web Development</div> </div> <div> <div>Browserstack</div> <div>Confluence</div> <div>Docker</div> <div>Drupal 9</div> <div>Elasticsearch</div> <div>GIT</div> <div>Google Cloud</div> <div>Headless Drupal</div> <div>JIRA</div> <div>JMeter</div> <div>MySQL</div> <div>Postman</div> <div>React</div> <div>Selenium</div> </div> <div> <div>Edtech</div> </div> Mon, 02 Jan 2023 11:47:12 +0000 admin 1863 at Online chef discovery & hiring network implementation <span>Online chef discovery &amp; hiring network implementation</span> <span><span lang="" about="/user/1" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">admin</span></span> <span>Mon, 01/02/2023 - 11:45</span> <div>Online chef discovery &amp; hiring network Implementation Including portfolio creation, event management &amp; live chat</div> <div> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/2023-02/PC.png?itok=zF7K_j4d" width="480" height="305" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" /> </div> <div>Professional Services &amp; Directory Listing, Food &amp; Beverages</div> <div>USA, Canada</div> <div> <div>Availability &amp; extensive calendar search, slot booking, events handling</div> </div> <div> <div>Drupal 9</div> <div>Elastic Search</div> <div> Amazon AWS </div> <div></div> <div>Browserstack</div> <div>Cloudflare</div> </div> <div><p>The portal is for foodies and for people willing to get the best taste of dishes made by the expert chefs to search, discover, and book a private chef all around the world – online or from a mobile phone. It is a platform for hiring a chef based on location, distance, event, cuisine type, diet type, experience level, availability, and hourly rate. Its basic purpose is to hire/book chefs for cooking/providing food for various events ranging from weddings to potlucks. It is also a very good platform for chefs to feature themselves and their skills with an authentic rating system to promote their profiles highlighting their achievements and awards.</p> <p>The project was envisioned to make booking chefs easy. And it was just not booking one chef, it wanted to bring in a concept of events, where users can hire multiple chefs and then be able to discuss everything and share information under one unified space. There needed to be a payment mechanism for starting such an event and then an option to cancel an event and get the booking fee refunded into a virtual wallet. Apart from that there would be search based on chef availability, discussion board and profile creation.</p></div> <div><p>The project requirements can be broadly classified into the following aspects:</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Design &amp; Conceptualisation </strong></p> <p>The site needed to be designed and conceptualised by us. The client came to us with certain ideas in mind, but wanted us to actually help them come up with a UI/UX that would be appropriate and a flow that will be easy for non technical users. Our team of creative designers have set a very high standards for themselves already and hence their challenge was to keep up with it. We finally, after a lot of discussion within the team and with the client gave the site a perfect flow that will be appropriate for it's targeted customer base.</p> <p><strong>Registration and Profile Creation</strong></p> <p>Users needed to be able to register, either as Chef or as Customer. The registration form would contain same fields, but after registration there would be different fields for each profile. Chef had lot many fields, and this needed to be presented cleanly and very professionally as Chef's public profile which other's could go in and visit.</p> <p><strong>Events Space</strong></p> <p>The client wanted to have a space where customer and chefs can discuss and share information regarding the event. We came up with the concept of event. So a Chef can't be directly booked. A customer needs to first create a event. Once he creates can event, he gets an event space. Event space is sort of like a wall feed, and showing details about the event in the sidebar. Users can then search for chef and invite chefs for the event. If a Chef accepts the invite, he or she joins the event space. but chatting can still not begin. Customer now needs to pay for the event (an one time fee) and then once payment is made, the event space opens up. All the parties can upload documents, share information and chat by creating posts. Once an event expires, the chat can no longer be accessed.</p> <p><strong>Event Cancellation &amp; Refund to Wallet</strong></p> <p>We implemented a concept of digital wallet, where refunded payment will be called back. It could be used for the next payment for events. The wallet money could not be withdrawn, but later on, in Phase II plan is to integrate this to user points and then be able to purchase point credits using this amount.</p> <p><strong>Chef Availability Calendar &amp; Search</strong></p> <p>An extensive search mechanism needed to be integrated. We used Search API + SOLR backend. But we also needed to search based on availability of Chefs. For Chefs time slots, we used Opening Hours module, which nicely provided the slots and then wrote it's integration for search API. The system worked great. We provided Facets through Search API Facets module.</p></div> <div><p>The project was a<strong> great success</strong>, the client was extremely satisfied with the end result. The design that we produced was highly appreciated and the functionality was smooth, and very <strong>easy to use and understand</strong> even for non technical users, who was a big target audience for the client - the Chefs.</p></div> <div><a href="/node/1883" hreflang="en">Potluck Chefs Testimonial</a></div> <div> <img src="/sites/default/files/2023-02/PC_0.png" width="1540" height="980" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" /> </div> <div><p>Owing to our expertise in <strong>product development lifecycle</strong>, we were able to guide this client in building and launching their product <strong>from an idea </strong>into a <strong>fully refined marked tested product</strong>. From the outset, the goal of the product was to quickly work on and <strong>release an MVP</strong>, and from thereon release features in phases towards achieving a <strong>product-market fit</strong>. Our team assisted the client throughout this journey, and enabled the client <strong>save a lot of cost and gain significant competitive advantage</strong> through an <strong>early MVP release</strong>, leading to <strong>faster market penetration</strong> and <strong>revenue growth</strong>. </p></div> <div>MVP in 12 weeks, 2+ years of continuous development</div> <div><a href="/node/1905" hreflang="en">Potluck Chefs Testimonial II</a></div> <div> <div>Cloud &amp; DevOps</div> <div>Digital Design &amp; Branding</div> <div>Digital Prototyping</div> <div>MVP Development</div> <div>Performance Optimization</div> <div>Product Design Strategy</div> <div>Product-Market Fit</div> <div>Team Augmentation</div> <div>UI Design &amp; Implementation</div> <div>Web Development</div> </div> <div> <div>Amazon AWS</div> <div>Angular</div> <div>Browserstack</div> <div>Confluence</div> <div>Drupal 8</div> <div>Elasticsearch</div> <div>GIT</div> <div>Headless Drupal</div> <div>MySQL</div> <div>Postman</div> </div> <div> <div>Food &amp; Beverages</div> </div> Mon, 02 Jan 2023 11:45:11 +0000 admin 1861 at Digital capability augmentation of a Fortune 500 construction & manufacturing company <span>Digital capability augmentation of a Fortune 500 construction &amp; manufacturing company</span> <span><span lang="" about="/user/1" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">admin</span></span> <span>Mon, 01/02/2023 - 11:43</span> <div>How we achieved a significant digital capability augmentation of a Fortune 500 construction &amp; manufacturing company, through strategy, consulting &amp; solutions implementation</div> <div> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/2023-01/DP2.png?itok=aGglDF91" width="480" height="305" alt="d" typeof="foaf:Image" /> </div> <div>Construction &amp; Manufacturing</div> <div>Uk &amp; Ireland</div> <div> <div>Ideation &amp; requirement evaluation</div> <div>Drupal 8 to 9 upgrade</div> <div>Data Migration</div> <div>Drupal 8/9 custom module development</div> <div>Drupal 8/9 site building &amp; frontend</div> <div> Support &amp; AMC</div> </div> <div> <div>Drupal 8</div> <div>Apache SOLR</div> <div>Acquia Cloud</div> <div>GITLabs</div> <div>JIRA</div> <div>Confluence</div> <div>Browserstack</div> </div> <div><p>When the client got in touch with us, they were struggling with a set of major issues, that were severely crippling their content management experience, <strong>leading to increased cost and time wastage</strong>. Also, their existing digital set up was inefficient and unreliable. After carefully evaluating our background and portfolio, the client went ahead with our team.</p> <p>Wes not only solved all their immediate issues in a matter of months, the expertise and the knowledge of our team shone through. They already had several vendors working on their portals, but the client was now looking for a team that can provide a <strong>better consulting &amp; strategy in order to improve their existing digital infrastructure</strong>. Eventually they decided to entrust us with the task of management and continuous feature development their entire digital setup.</p> <p>After 4+ years, we continue to manage and maintain their entire set up, bringing in effective digital strategy and continue to improve their digital experience platform.</p></div> <div><p>A multinational <strong>Fortune 500 company</strong> that designs, manufactures, and distributes materials and solutions for the construction, mobility, healthcare, and industrial markets. It specializes in flat glass, thermal insulation, solar control, light transmission, interior decoration as well as bulletproof and fireproof glass areas. The company also offers gypsum and insulation, mortars, pipe systems for drinking water and sewage systems, steel products for highways and roadways, and more. In addition, it supplies ceramics raw materials used in a variety of markets.</p></div> <div><p>The client initially contacted us for fixing some major issues that were causing major issues for the backend <strong>content management</strong>. Once we were able to solve these issues, next, the client contracted us to build an internal portal for their<strong> 1,67,000 global employees</strong> across 70 different countries. The internal portal was supposed to be a <strong>shares redeeming platform</strong> for the company’s employees. We took up the challenge of designing and developing an efficient, performant, and professional portal that could sustain the <strong>huge data</strong> and <strong>concurrent user activity</strong>. From thereon, we forged a solid partnership and what followed for the next 4 years was a series of standalone projects and enhancement work to their vast network of web platforms across various countries. The web architecture that the client has is a vast network of 150+ Drupal 8 multisite set-up and approximately 50+ separate functional Drupal 8 sites. We successfully carried on a<strong> series of at least 40+</strong> (and ongoing) feature development over a span of 4 years.</p></div> <div> <div>Present in 70 countries </div> <div>350 years of operation</div> <div>167000 employees</div> </div> <div><p>Over the course of the total engagement &amp; partnership, we helped them tackle a host of business challenges. Some notable among these are:</p> <ul><li> <p>Realization of a complex shares redeems platform to be used by 1,67,000. It needed a robust admin section for teams across various countries to manage the redeem points and perform export, import, approval, etc. Also, it needed strong security, and validation based on their employee code and internal passcode, on top of the standard Drupal authentication. Also, the platform needed to be extremely performant, since the number of concurrent users was supposed to be extremely high.</p> </li> <li> <p>Built with Drupal, the present setup of the sites was quite static and a lot of the page layouts were non-flexible. It caused tremendous trouble for the backend team, especially considering the vastness of the website network and how distributed the teams were across multiple countries. Our team strategized the rehaul of the pages across their most notable brands and provided a component- architecture. We made it possible for them to mix and match from a vast network of components, and create their own content pages with zero developer interference. </p> </li> <li> <p> Another huge challenge they were facing was being issued with content moderation. With such a vast array of content rolled out each day, they needed an extremely robust content approval and publishing mechanism on their site. They were still using a very primitive workflow. Our strategy team discussed the business requirement and after a lot of brainstorming, came up with a perfect recipe tailored to perfection to their business needs.</p> </li> <li> <p>At the time we took over, they were following a very inefficient translation and multilingual mechanism. It was prone to errors and was not covered within the content moderation process. Hence it was a cause of a huge headache for various stakeholders. Our team, in association with the Chief Media Strategist from their company, discussed how to streamline the process and introduce the content moderation flow to the translation mechanism as well.</p> </li> <li> <p>This company had a rich history of 350+ years. They wanted to rehaul their lackluster timeline section and for the same, they needed the suggestion of our UI/UX team. We presented them with several ideas and finally, we were able to deliver just what they needed.</p> </li> <li> <p>Another important aspect of our ongoing partnership is technical strategy and maintenance. Since their tech setup is so large in scale, it is also prone to sudden outages and urgent bugs and issues. And we are a one-stop-shop for all their technical issues. Whatever the issue is, our technical team strategizes and solves it. </p> </li> <li> <p>The company had a very primitive job portal that needed a massive rehaul. The job portal was slow and buggy. Also, they had different portals for different countries and it was not unified, which was causing a lot of administrative challenges. Our technical team discussed various approaches with their stakeholders and finally decided that it was time to unify all the career portals under one roof through common API integration. They chose to go ahead and integrate Talentlink API.</p> </li> </ul></div> <div><p>Over the years, our work and strategy has led to consistent improvement to their digital platform. Some of the highlights are:</p> <ul><li>A more streamlined translation and multilingual experience, saving countless hours of back and forth</li> <li>Better reflection of the brand, by avoiding content mistakes through a efficient content moderation mechanism</li> <li>More flexibility in terms of new page rollout, through page builder mechanism, resulting in huge savings in cost and time, by avoiding long designing and development loops</li> <li>Ensuring web standard compatibility and SEO friendliness</li> <li>A highly performant shares platform, used by large number of internal employees, making the process fast and completely digitizes, preventing manual processing and mistakes</li> <li>A much improved jobs portal solution resulting in better candidate experience - both internal and external</li> <li>A continuous &amp; efficient QA cycle, to ensure the continuous web-readiness</li> </ul></div> <div><p>After 4 years of engagement and professional partnership with this client, we have emerged as a one-stop-shop for all their digital needs. We continue to work on a host of new initiatives for the company and hopefully, will continue to do so in years to come.</p></div> <div><a href="/node/1904" hreflang="en">Saint Gobain Testimonial II</a></div> <div> <img src="/sites/default/files/2023-01/DP2_0.png" width="1540" height="980" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" /> </div> <div><p>Our deep expertise in <strong>lean product development</strong> equips our team to develop <strong>better digital products, faster</strong>. We engineered a complex set of functionalities to this client's existing set up, while also revamping and replacing their inefficient and old implementations with efficient digital solutions. Through our effective <strong>DXP Consulting &amp; Strategy,</strong> we were able to bring forward disruptive changes, including, but not limited to content experience and overall standard of the digital process. This lead to <strong>33% reduction in overall backend issues</strong>, a massive <strong>45% improvement in content management efficiency</strong> and over <strong>40+ new features</strong> built and deployed improving the overall digital experience of their platform.</p></div> <div>4+ years, Ongoing</div> <div><a href="/node/1864" hreflang="en">Saint Gobain Testimonial</a></div> <div><p>During the lifetime of the project, here are some of the major challenged we have faced, and successfully solved.</p> <ul><li>Realization of a complex shares redeem platform to be used by the company’s 1,67,000 employees across the globe.</li> <li>Strategization &amp; implementation of an extensive and flexible page builder mechanism</li> <li>Implementation of effective content moderation flow, as per the business logic laid down by the company’s backend team</li> <li>Improve the existing translation and multilingual mechanism drastically to suit the requirement laid down by the content team</li> <li>Building an interactive timeline, representing  the company’s 350 years of history</li> <li>Achieve complete migration from Drupal 8 to Drupal 9</li> <li>Data migration from sub-sites built in other technologies to Drupal 9</li> <li>Constant strategy and consulting in order to come up with best digital solutions for day to day challenges reported by various stakeholders.</li> <li>Implementation of an end to end job portal, based on talentlink API</li> <li>Massive UI/UX improvement as per guidelines laid down by the branding team</li> <li>In depth review and implementation in order to make the entire site SEO friendly and compatible with latest web standards</li> </ul></div> <div> <div> <div class="paragraph paragraph--type--outcome-highlights paragraph--view-mode--default"> <div> <div>Heading</div> <div>33% Reduction in Overall Backend Issues</div> </div> <div> <div>Outcome</div> <div><p>We were able identify and tackle their backend issues effectively, leading to a faster deployment cycle and less regression issues.</p></div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="paragraph paragraph--type--outcome-highlights paragraph--view-mode--default"> <div> <div>Heading</div> <div>45% Improvement in Content Management Efficiency</div> </div> <div> <div>Outcome</div> <div><p>The content management solutions that we built resulted in better content moderation solutions, leading to faster content approval process.</p></div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="paragraph paragraph--type--outcome-highlights paragraph--view-mode--default"> <div> <div>Heading</div> <div>40+ New Features Built and Deployed</div> </div> <div> <div>Outcome</div> <div><p>The new features we built and deployed led to an overall improvement to the digital experience of their platform.</p></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div>Continuous Monitoring</div> <div>DXP Strategy &amp; Consulting</div> <div>Enterprise Drupal Development</div> <div>Incident Management</div> <div>Minor Enhancements &amp; Bug Fixes</div> <div>Performance Optimization</div> <div>Product Scaling</div> <div>Support &amp; Maintenance</div> <div>UI Design &amp; Implementation</div> <div>UX Consulting &amp; Audit</div> <div>Web Development</div> </div> <div> <div>Apache SOLR</div> <div>Browserstack</div> <div>CSS</div> <div>Drupal 8</div> <div>Drupal 9</div> <div>GIT</div> <div>HTML</div> <div>jQuery</div> <div>MySQL</div> <div>PHP</div> <div>Postman</div> </div> <div> <div>Construction &amp; Manufacturing</div> </div> <div> <img src="/sites/default/files/2023-02/MicrosoftTeams-image%20%286%29.png" width="1200" height="503" alt="SG" typeof="foaf:Image" /> </div> <div> <img src="/sites/default/files/2023-02/MicrosoftTeams-image%20%2810%29.png" width="1540" height="980" alt="St Gobin" typeof="foaf:Image" /> </div> <div>3</div> Mon, 02 Jan 2023 11:43:34 +0000 admin 1862 at